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Current Corinna Status

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For those curious about the current status of the Corinna OOP project for Perl , Paul Evans is working on it in the feature-class branch . Today I decided to see how much of my Cache::LRU example I could get working.

Under the full proposal, Cache::LRU looks like this (it’s unclear if the :handles modifier will be implemented for the MVP):

class Cache::LRU {
    use Hash::Ordered;

    field $cache    :handles(exists) { Hash::Ordered->new };
    field $max_size :param :reader   { 20 };

    method set ( $key, $value ) {
        if ( $cache->exists($key) ) {
        elsif ( $cache->keys >= $max_size ) {
        $cache->set( $key, $value );  # add to front

    method get ($key) {
        if ( $cache->exists($key) ) {
            my $value = $cache->get($key);
            $self->set( $key, $value ); # add to front
            return $value;

This is what I currently have working:

class Cache::LRU {
    use Hash::Ordered;

    # Delete arguments to constructor or else they'll cause a fatal
    # error when new() is called. When :param is added, this will
    # no longer be needed.
    field $max_size; ADJUST { $max_size = delete($_[0]->{max_size}) // 20 }
    field $cache;    ADJUST { $cache    = Hash::Ordered->new };

    method max_size { $max_size }

    method set( $key, $value ) {
        if ( $cache->exists($key) ) {
        elsif ( $self->num_elements >= $max_size ) {
        $cache->set( $key, $value );    # add to front

    method get($key) {
        if ( $cache->exists($key) ) {
            my $value = $cache->get($key);
            $cache->set( $key, $value );    # add to front
            return $value;

    method num_elements() {
        return scalar $cache->keys;

    method exists($key) {
        return $cache->exists($key);

A few things to note:

  • Default initializer blocks are not yet implemented
  • All unprocessed arguments in the constructor are fatal (delete them)
  • Everything else works quite nicely

And here are the tests for it:

my $cache = Cache::LRU->new;
is $cache->max_size,     20, 'Value of $max_size set by ADJUST';
is $cache->num_elements, 0,  '... and our cache starts out empty';

ok !defined $cache->get('foo'),
  'We should not be able to fetch values we have not defined';
ok !$cache->exists('foo'),   '... and our exists() method should confirm this';
ok $cache->set( foo => 42 ), 'We should be able to set cache values';
ok $cache->exists('foo'),
  '... and our exists() method should show the new key exists';
is $cache->get('foo'),   42, '... and get the value back';
is $cache->num_elements, 1,  '... and we should have one element in our cache';

$cache = Cache::LRU->new( max_size => 2 );
is $cache->max_size, 2,
  'We should be able to set the max_size with a constructor argument';
ok !defined $cache->get('foo'),
  'We should not be able to fetch values we have not defined';
ok $cache->set( foo => 42 ), 'We should be able to set cache values';
is $cache->get('foo'), 42, '... and get the value back';
ok $cache->set( bar => 'asdf' ), 'We can set a different key';
is $cache->get('bar'), 'asdf', '... and get back a different value';
is $cache->get('foo'), 42,     '... and get the value back';
is $cache->num_elements, $cache->max_size,
  '... and we see that our cache is now full';
ok $cache->set( new_element => 3 ), 'We can set a new item in our cache';
is $cache->num_elements, $cache->max_size,
  '... and we see that our cache is still full';
ok !$cache->exists('foo'),
  '... and older elements in our cache should be ejected';

The tests revealed an “off by one” error in my original code (caches would contain up to max_size + 1 elements), along with a syntax error (both now fixed), but as it stands, I think everyone should be pleased with the progress Paul is making. Exciting times for Perl!

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Copyright © 2018-2024 by Curtis “Ovid” Poe.